DAPP v3 changes

Battle Hero
8 min readFeb 11, 2022


Before presenting all the changes for the new DAPP V3, Heroes, Weapons and scholarships. We would like to understand the reason for the changes and their destination. It is the best way for all the players to understand where the project is going. For this reason, before exposing the changes that are coming in the new DAPP, we will present a short prologue.

Until the day of the training withdrawal, we were in a shaky economy. The training allowed all players to receive a fixed amount of BATH, regardless of the time they played, their strategy, their NFT combinations, their skill… the training ensured a guaranteed return whether it was high or low, but it had a guaranteed return.
If we assume a future case of the economy so far; Where instead of +24,000 holders we were +100,000, this economy would be even more unfavorable, for the simple fact that the more players, the more guaranteed returns, which results in an even more unstable price value.
From minute 1 we have been fighting for Battle Hero to be a game for years, we don’t want to jump on the bandwagon of NFT games for X months. The project is going a long way and without a doubt if we continued along the previous path, the end of the pool would have been imminent.
What we want to understand is that the economy of a project should not depend (only) on the entry of new players, an economy must be sustainable and profitable with either 10,000 or 1,000,000 players. We always assume that part of the economy will always be based on the entry of new players (and that is why we fight every day with great marketing campaigns), but if a game depends 100% on the entry of players, it becomes an unsustainable game. For this reason, we saw it as completely illogical to go for those 100,000 holders, when the basis of the project (the economy) was not sustainable.

We understand that ensuring profits is always a good option as an investor, but… Are you really interested in having an investment with an imminent end (already demonstrated in more NFT games), or an investment with a better long term?That question was the one we asked ourselves, and we are clear about it. Battle Hero is a long-term project, where we seek sustainability whether there are 10, 50 or 1,000,000 players.
With this clear objective, we present all the new changes. (It should be noted that the changes presented below may already be implemented or may be implemented in the next few days.)


The objective with the new DAPP is to add new ways to generate income that are completely sustainable and that do not endanger the BATH with a massive entry of players.
-Elimination of training, since as we have previously mentioned, the practice of training was not sustainable for the economy.

-Elimination of the Exchange from PE to BATH, due to numerous changes that you will see below we will eliminate the exchange from PE to BATH. But the exchange from BATH to PE will continue to be operational.

-Staking of BATH x BNB with locking, our first idea was to be able to offer BATH x BATH, but without a doubt it is a way to introduce BATH to the market in an unsustainable way. That is why we have decided to reward all those players who deposit their BATH with BNB. This BNB will be a percentage of the commissions applied in each interaction with the DAPP. You can choose the blocking period in 15, 30, 60, 90 and 180 days. Where the greater the vesting, the greater % of BNB you will receive. Let’s imagine that you add 100 BATH, if you lock 15 days your 100 BATH will appear in the pool with an impact of 100BATH, but if you choose 90 days instead, your 100BATH will interact in the pool with a multiplier x2. So, you will actually deposit 200BATH.
The distribution of BNB will be equal and daily. Let’s take the example, that 2 players have deposited BATH, one of them has deposited 100 BATH with a x2 multiplier and the other player 100 BATH without multiplier. In this case it would be 100 vs 200 BATH. 33% of the BNB will go to the 100BATH player and 66% to the 200BATH player.

-All chests will be purchased for PE + BATH, in a percentage of 40% BATH and 60% PE. Except for the PE chest, which will still be 100% PE.

-We removed BATH as a payment option on the Marketplace, you will only be able to buy and sell NFTs on the Marketplace for BNB. Later, you will understand the reason for this change. But to anticipate events, this change is affected by the implementation of scholarships.

-We added stats to DAPP battles for BATH. In this improvement for the battles in DAPP we are based on the player feeling more skill within the battles. We already announced that the battles are not pure chance, there are a thousand factors that determine them; the smart contract, the room where you enter, the stats, who is inside…
For this reason, we want to give that extra so that the player feels more involved in these battles. Now you will be able to see the % of wins that your Hero/Weapon has, you will also be able to see which rival Heroes and Weapons are waiting for you in the room and decide whether to enter or not. These battles will remain unlimited.

-Following the previous point, we add the free battles. Where you can practice with your NFT to see what percentage of victory you get, after following your own strategy.

-Added PE battles. Its operation is very similar to BATH battles, but these rooms will be created by Battle Hero and their use will be limited daily. That is, you can only participate X times a day in PE battles. The first 3 winners will win PE.

Heroes and Weapons

Following the main line of these changes, making the NFTS unlimited implies their devaluation and, consequently, an unsustainable economy.

Therefore, we will introduce these changes:
-The NFTs will have uses that will depend on each rarity. In addition, this value per rarity will be added a random stat (similar to training) that will make your hero have total uses = the base uses per rarity + random value.

-Entering any battle either in DAPP or Battle Hero 3D, from BATH or PE, will consume 1 use.

-Once your NFT reaches 0 uses, a counter will appear for 7 days where you can reactivate it. The cost of the reactivation will be in BATH and the limit is 3 times per NFT. Once your NFT has been reactivated 3 times and has 0 uses, you can only use it in both DAPP and Battle Hero 3D free games.

-In the following cases:
1. That the NFT passes the 7 days and you do not activate it.
2. That you decide you don’t want to play with him anymore.
3.That after 3 reactivations it is at 0 uses and you don’t want it.
You will be able to burn the NFT, in return you will receive a Lucky Chest as a reward.

-The Founder Edition NFTs, you will have 15% more uses. And you can reactivate it as many times as you want.


Perhaps one of the most anticipated points, and that we know that all the players were pending, the scholarships. Before explaining what they will consist of, we want to highlight that following the thread of this new update, we find completely sustainable scholarships, whether 10, 20 or 1,000,000 players are awarded scholarships.
In addition, we introduce some tailored scholarships for the manager, where he will decide which method he prefers, if it is more or less conservative, if it benefits him more to obtain PE or BATH…

The proposed changes are as follows:
-We implemented scholarships, where you can give Hero + Weapon of the same rarity, to any player to play for you. The Scholar will also consume 1 use per battle.

-You can grant scholarships in two different ways, offering your NFTs for a % of what the scholarship recipient earns or in exchange for a payment for use. Let’s take two examples, you can give your Hero + Weapon in exchange for 80% for the owner and 20% for the scholarship, in this case the benefit for the manager will go hand in hand with his scholarship, on the other hand, you can decide how much costs its use and go to a fixed price, for example, you can say that 500 uses are 1,000 BATH.

-Within the previous point and once you have decided if % or fixed, you will also decide if you want the scholar to play battles for BATH AND/OR PE. In case you choose for BATH, they will be unlimited battles where the scholarship winner will be the one who decides which BATH (own) will be played. Instead, for PE you will have limited matches where that PE will be sent from Battle Hero.

-Scholarship a pair of NFTs, will make those pairs of NFTs enter a daily ranking. This daily ranking will be the total of the sum generated by the score of all the games. If the scholar plays 10 battles with an epic Hero/Weapon given by a manager, each battle will add 100 points. You will have a total of 10,000 points for the daily ranking.
In this daily ranking for rarities, the top 5 will receive a daily reward in BNB. This BNB will be a fixed % of the DAPP daily commissions. It should be noted that this award will be a high award, since of all the NFTs awarded scholarships, only a minority will win this award. But don’t be discouraged if you don’t win, this prize is daily.

-The manager will be able to set requirements, an average victory % of the scholar, a minimum number of daily battles… He will set the rules.
-The manager at any time can claim the NFT for his return.

To facilitate the interpretation of this we will attach an explanatory diagram with the different options.

As a final summary for the scholarships we can say, that those new players who do not enter with capital will be able to battle for EP. With this PE, in the future, they will be able to acquire a PE chest that will lot a NFT. At this point they will be able to sell it for BNB or play with it. Something completely sustainable.



Battle Hero

Battle Hero comes to break the stereotype of NFT games, with an entertaining shooter. The NFT game you'll want to play.